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Friday, August 31, 2012

Fun (and slightly random) Fact Friday

I started writing this posting and it quickly became the most random, fragmented post I think I've ever written.  My excuse is the following:  (a) It's Friday, (b) it's a full "Blue Moon," (c) I'm really, really tired, (d) I can't stop thinking about Froyo (Frozen Yogurt), and (e) I just woke up from a 10 minute cat nap.  If those four things aren't enough, then I'll just blame it on my adorable pregnant patients all day with their "pregnancy brains". It's all their fault.  Speaking of which... that brings me to my first tangent.

1.) I have come to a conclusion.  I do not ever, ever, EVER want to be 9 months pregnant and live in Escondido. Almost every single patient that came in to the OB clinic today had the same complaint.
"I can't find my ankles" or " Is it possible for my feet to pop from the swelling?" As if being 9 months pregnant isn't uncomfortable enough, these poor women are living in 90-100 degree heat with 80% humidity.  I'm swelling up just thinking about it!

Today was a fun and busy day- feeling pregnant bellies, listening to fetal heart sounds, and talking to expecting mothers talk about coping with the horrible humidity and heat.  It is amazing to see all their discomfort and frustration fade away the moment I find the baby's heartbeat on the doppler.  They momentarily forget they no longer have ankles and can't fit their feet in shoes! :)

2.) Yesterday I had the joy of pulling a patient's toenail.  I can't decide if I should be concerned with how much I enjoyed something that is considered a torture technique!  Don't worry, the patient was thoroughly numbed with lidocaine and he said that dropping the ladder on his toe was far more painful.  After doing the procedure I looked at my feet and realized his and mine don't look all that different. Marathon training does wonders on beautifying feet! (I spared you all the joy of seeing a picture of my gorgeous blistered and toenail-less feet, I know you're bummed. Instead you get to see my enthusiasm before the procedure. Note- pt gave me permission to use this pic!)

Although it looks like I'm laughing at him, I'm trying to display my excitement. Unsuccessful attempt. 
3.) I cannot believe that tomorrow is the first day of September. When did that happen?! I have a feeling that September in San Diego is far different from September in Alaska. September is my all-time favorite month back home.  Fall colors, beautiful crisp mornings, cool trail runs, pumpkin flavored everything, crockpot deliciousness, and that all-familiar smell of snow creeping its' way closer to Anchorage.  San Diego fall?  Hm.  I don't think there is such a thing. Unless it's 80, sunny, and humid.  Is that fall? I guess I will have to wait and see.

Fall in Anchorage
Bullwinkle the Moose
Denali National Park - September
Moose Rutting Season- AKA fight over the ladies Season! 
Home, sweet home.

4.) Three-day weekends.  LOVE THEM.  I wish I could tell you that I'm going to the beach, laying by the pool, and soaking up all of the glorious "Fall" sun that San Diego has to offer.  The only thing I'll be (attempting to) soak up is the diagnosis and treatment of every disease known to man.  Doesn't that sound like a fabulous way to spend the holiday weekend?  The truth is, I'm so used to studying every waking moment that I start to get the shakes and a little anxiety when I don't study.

I'll throw in a little running as well, don't you worry. :) The next few weeks are my peak training weeks.  It's hard to believe that St. George is in just over a month! I love the tough training weeks: hills, tempo runs, back-to-back long runs on tired legs, track workouts, you name it- I'm a glutton for torturous runs. With that being said... I'm just gonna come out and say it...

I'm tired.

Luckily, the reward is a fabulous taper and a trip to see my parents and sister in St. George!  And of course... a little 26.2 :)

56 miles since last Saturday.  30 more in the next 3 days.  Let's do this. 
5.) Have a GREAT labor day week.  Please do things not labor related so I can live vicariously through you!

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