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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

6th Quarter!

I've been slacking lately.  I'm sorry.  I wish I had a good excuse other than: I'm in PA school, I'm simultaneously getting my Masters in Medical Science, it was finals week, and I just started my inpatient rotation in pediatric liver and small bowel transplantation.  Pretty lame excuses, I know.

My home away from home.  Stanford, even if you and I don't always get along, you are beautiful. 
The week after my amazing Ragnar Race, I had finals.  Let me tell you a little about finals.  They're no fun!  Early morning studying, class all day, followed by studying until the wee hours of the night.  I'm happy to report that I PASSED all of them and I'm officially in my 6th quarter of PA school!  In case you were counting, that leaves just 2 more quarters (including this one!) to go!  I cannot wait to be done.  You literally have no idea.

Studying with the BEST coffee in the entire world. EVER.
Although finals aren't my cup of tea, the weeks we come back to Stanford are like family reunions.  37 of your closest friends coming together to laugh, eat, drink, and learn about Public Health.  Always a good time :)

Blurry, but post-finals celebratory lunch with friends!

As I said above, I started my inpatient rotation last week.  I am working at the Pediatric Hospital at Stanford with liver and small bowel transplant patients.  It is one of the most intense and overwhelming things I've ever done.

Lucille Packard Children's Hospital
Home for the next 4 weeks.
If you asked me last week I would have told you that I love the rotation and I couldn't imagine a better experience.  Today... the mascara smudges on my face and dried tears will tell you otherwise.  I won't go into too much detail because today was FAR from awesome.  All I have to say is that some people should learn to live by the following rules:

True story.

Mainly the second part of that statement.  I think if people would live according the that rule, it would be a much happier place.  And far fewer tears would be shed by PA Brittany.  Let's hope tomorrow is better and I can give you a positive play-by-play in the world of liver transplants!  Hope you're all doing well!

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