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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nike Women's Marathon

Errrr... Unless I broke the world record time for women's marathon with my amazingly fast time of 1:48... I think the title "Nike Women's Half Marathon" is more fitting. Truth be told, I did not do the full marathon.  Even more true is that I am a very sore quitter and I've been avoiding this post since the race. I wanted so badly to prove I could do two marathons in one week.... But wise people (aka my sister- a PT, my coach, my husband, the stranger in the elevator.... and every other person I told about my crazy plan) told me that I probably shouldn't do two marathons 8 days apart. Being the competitive person that I am, it made it all the more reason to try to do the full. Then I realized... Wouldn't it be worse to prove them right and injure myself??

So... I set off on the cool, foggy morning with 27,000 other runners at an all time SLOW pace for Brittany. And you know what? It felt amazing! It was so much fun to run without the pressure of getting a PR! I momentarily thought of cutting over at mile 11.5 and finishing the full with the rest of the marathoners, but a nagging blister brought me back to reality and urged me to settle for 13.1.

The race itself is beautifully organized and SO much fun! I even got to have a wonderful girls' weekend with my favorite girl, Ashley and her friend Erin!
LOVE her.
So much fun!

We walked around the my favorite city...

I left my heart in San Francisco. Or maybe it's Alaska.  I can't remember how the saying goes. :)
We went to the expo...

Oh Nike, how I love thee.

 And spent far too long drooling over all of the beautiful running gear at Nike town!

Story of my life.
You might be a runner if you'd rather spend all day looking at sports bras and compression socks than shop for new heels and designer jeans at the kajillion (is that a word?) high end fashion stores in downtown San Francisco! We enjoyed dinner at CPK (California pizza kitchen) - a first for me! And let's be honest, there's really nothing "California-y" about it, but it's pretty tasty! Followed by a night in our classy hotel! It was a much needed weekend getaway!

Ahhhh the dream mattress.  If only some people didn't snore... then it really would have been a dream haha
The next morning, we rolled out of bed and walked the 2 blocks to the starting line.  Along with the rest of the city!  The starting line is in Union Square, surrounded by tall skyscrapers and jam-packed with runners from around the world!  I even got to stand 200 yards away from Shalene Flanagan and Kara Goucher (2012 Olympic marathoners)!  A dream come true!

You can't see them, but the olympians are out there!  I promise!
Wahoo!  Love this moment.
Ready to ROCK!
The best part of the race is this:
Is that a Tiffany's box I see?!
Um Yes.  You are my new favorite piece of jewelery I own.  Besides the beautiful ring from Jake, of course :)
And this:
Why hello there, Mr. Firefighter!  Too bad my firefighter is way hotter!  :)
I am officially in love with this race and hope to do it every year I am able! A must do for any runner!!!

Okay, if you insist.  I will RUN.
Great finish to a GREAT weekend.

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