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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Time Flies...

Busy much?  I have been just slightly preoccupied with life lately, so I apologize that you haven't been able to hear my silly stories of my daily life.  Here's the cliff notes version of what you've missed:

1.) Surgery Rotation: I finished the rotation which was an accomplishment in itself.  As much as I loved being in the OR, one can only work 12-16 hour days and survive on 4 hours of sleep for so long... It was a good experience overall, but I value my sleep and evening study time!  Let's face it, I don't remember anything without sleep and I think the surgeon thought I was a complete idiot because I couldn't remember the simplest medical details.  I am happy to spend my FINAL week of clinical rotations at my "home" clinic with Dr. Watson.

2.) Running:  Guess who ran 12 miles on Sunday?!  This girl!!  Physical Therapy has worked wonders!  I'm still being VERY conservative and running only 4-5 days per week and cross-training on my friend, the elliptical.  The key to my successful healing has been to do my stretches and exercises EVERY day.  No slacking.  It's amazing what you can accomplish when you want something bad enough.  47 days until Boston... !

3.) My last week in San Diego:  Picture my face with tears and smudged mascara.  I'm in denial that  I'm actually leaving so it's been a pretty effective way of coping.  I don't need to move my stuff, right?  I can just keep renting my apartment until the end of time, right?  It'd be perfect! A house in Alaska AND San Diego.  Problem solved.  According to Jake, that's not the most realistic solution, Shoot.  I'll have to just come back and visit a few times per year!  I've been so grateful to be back running in the few weeks because I've been able to spend lots of quality time with my favorite people.  AND I've been able to see my favorite places like these:

This past year has been an amazing ride and San Diego will forever be the place I call my second home.  I will miss all of the amazing friends I've made like these:

Love Her!
Best training buddy ever!
Love these girls!
10MW, I'll miss you!
Fastest girls I know!
Such a fun group!
I've been busy packing up the 239,204 pages of notes, 19,021 flash cards, and countless books that I've accumulated in the past 2 years.  It seems that I've killed 5 trees with my PA school ordeal.  I apologize Mother Nature, I promise to NEVER do it again.  Ever.  Ever.  I really don't know how I accumulated so much JUNK.  Getting it all back to Alaska should be interesting... ha!

4.) Grandma update!  It's been forever since I've updated you on how she's doing!  To refresh your memory, she was visiting me in November for Thanksgiving and fell and broke her hip while walking at Pacific Beach.  That was a horrible, horrible, horrible day.  She had a partial hip replacement here and spent almost a month in an assisted living facility in Carlsbad. She was able to go back to Salt Lake City (where she lives) on December 27th.  She's been getting better day by day and is walking with only a cane now!  When I talked to her on Sunday she said she frequently forgets to use it because she is feeling "almost normal"!   I'm so proud of her :)

Okay, that's the update for now!  I'll have plenty more to share (including some yummy recipes) in the next few days!  Have a GREAT Wednesday!

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