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Friday, July 5, 2013

A New Look!

It was time for an updated look!  It is still a work in progress and as you can see there are some touch-ups needed, but I'm excited about the fresh, simple look!  What do you think?  Any suggestions from fellow bloggers?

Happy belated 4th of July!!  Jake had to work yesterday, so I enjoyed the day with parents and girlfriends.  Unfortunately, that wonderful weather I told you about decided to leave us and it's been rainy and cold for the past week.  But if you know me, you know that running in the rain is my all-time favorite thing to do, so my day started with a run in my new Brooks Cascadia trail shoes.

I don't love the color, but I figure they're going to get brown and dirty anyways!  Review: very supportive, great tread, and just enough ankle support.  The only negative is that like most trail shoes, they are substantially heavier than my road shoes.  Love them though!

Speaking of running, I know you're dying to know how/what/when I've been running.  I have been pretty consistent with running, although my intensity is far less than last year.  I've come to determine that my "running-OCD-ness" increases exponentially in times of high stress.  Call it a coping mechanism or straight crazy, it helps me get through the challenging times in my life.  Since I got home, my stress level is pretty much at a 0, except for really stressful days when I have to take Diego to an appointment or have two barbecues to attend.  This unemployment stuff is really hard work.   :)

It's a ruff life.
To be honest, I'm enjoying running less obsessively and more for pleasure.  Don't get me wrong, I still ran my heart out at the Mayor's Half Marathon two weeks ago (race re-cap coming tomorrow).... and I am signed up for a marathon in October... and I'll be running the Nike Women's Half Marathon two weeks later!  But the need for a PR isn't at the top of my priority list.  I'm sure the need for speed will come back, but for now, I'm enjoying running for fun.

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