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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pregnancy Week 13

Baby Bump

How far along? 13 Weeks, 6 Days

Size of the baby: A pea pod! 

P.S. Why is the baby always compared to the size of fruit or vegetable?  I found this awesome manly comparison for those who would rather compare the baby to gas caps, beer bottles, and hockey pucks!

Maternity clothes? My clothes this week consisted of yoga pants and sweats. Keepin' it classy.
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: Finally my energy is back.... I stayed up until 11pm twice!  Naps are still my friend, but I felt very energetic this week!
Symptoms: Nosebleeds, SI joint pain, and the skin of a teenage girl (thanks, progesterone!).
Best moment this week: Sleeping in our new house and hearing your heartbeat again!
Miss Anything? Not waking up 5x night to go to the bathroom.  Baby thinks my bladder is a trampoline!
Food cravings: Corn flakes & chocolate (lactose-free) milk.  Yes, I like to mix the two.  It is amazing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: This is gross... but the sight of dog poop.  Actually makes me gag. 
Have you started to show yet: Jake actually commented that I have a bit of a belly this week, so I guess so!
Gender prediction: Butterflies, ponies, and princesses.
Belly Button in or out? Innie!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Much, much happier this week!
Looking forward to: Learning the gender in just 4 weeks!
Still Running? I had a great week running!  I ran 6 of the 7 days (8.5 miles, 7 miles, 6 miles, 8 miles, 6.5 miles, and 5 miles!).  I was able to get in some weights as well. 
Letter to Baby
Dear Baby,

You are now the size of a sweet pea pod!  You seem to be growing every second, and the tiniest of details are starting to appear in your body.  You now have fingerprints on your teeny fingers and your vocal cords are starting to develop!  Feel free to say hello any time! 

This week we both made some big accomplishments! We are officially into the 2nd trimester! I've finally finished growing a huge life-supporting organ, the placenta.  I know that sounds super exciting to you, baby, but for me it's great news! Why? a.) I have more energy and b.) I have more energy! We had our prenatal visit this week and your heart was thumping away, speaking its' little heartbeat language to your Dad and I.  They discussed the results from the high-resolution ultrasound we had last week and everything is looking healthy and normal! Keep up the good work.  

We're finally getting settled into the house and I'm already dreaming of painting and decorating your nursery. We're going to keep the theme a secret for now...  I want you to be surprised when you see it for the first time in 6 months! 

I hope you enjoyed the delicious froyo and chocolate milk I had this week. I'm really doing my best to eat healthy foods and give you all of the nutrients you deserve - and I've actually been doing a good job!  You better come out loving veggies because I've been stocking up!  Although I will be honest with you, sometimes you just need a little frozen yogurt. :) 

Your Daddy-O and I love you tons! Sweet dreams, little one.

Love, Mom

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