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Monday, December 22, 2014

Mr. Grumpypants & Snow Canyon!

Yesterday, we decided to name Gavin "Mr. Grumpypants". Since we arrived to Utah, he's been really fussy... Whether it's the change in routine, getting over another ear infection, the nasty cough he developed (darn daycare germs!!), a growth spurt, or teething. I couldn't tell you. It's likely a combination of all of the above. Anyways, we didn't let him slow us down and after church and a run with the hubs, we went to Snow Canyon to hike around!

Look at me mom! 

This guy is the best. Seriously love him.

Fun with Nana and Gramps! 

Best buds.

❤️.  We missed the first true snowfall in Alaska yesterday, but I'm actually okay with it considering I got to see this beautiful scenery! 

Let's hope this cutie is in a better mood tonight and lets me sleep tonight!!


  1. That canyon looks AMAZING!! Your baby is beautiful!

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