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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Last Day Without Jake!

Today was my last day as a single/married woman.  What does that mean exactly?

For the past two years I have been away from my amazing hubby while attending Physician Assistant school at Stanford.  He worked incredibly hard at his job and has been my constant support throughout the entire PA program.  I don't know what I would have done without his support... even if it was from over 3000 miles away!  We got married during my program, so we have yet to live together as a married couple!  We saw each other approximately every 3-4 months for the past 2 years and today that is coming to an END.  Today he flies to San Francisco to attend my graduation and we'll be flying back to Alaska together in two weeks.  We will never have to do this again!  I couldn't be happier.  :)

Love this guy.
So what did I do on my last day as a single/married woman?

Lunch date with friends...

Pool party with Janae....

And lots of packing of course!  As much fun as it is to be with my girls, there is nothing quite as wonderful as a husband.  Don't you agree?


  1. Awww, yay for Jake!

    The only bummer about your post was the packing part. The WORST part about moving, no?

    1. Thank you! It's so nice to finally be back together! And YES.... packing = my worst nightmare. How does one accumulate so much junk in two years?! haha. Luckily I'm almost done! Hope you're having a great day!

  2. So happy all is falling into place for you. Injury free in Boston, graduation, hubby, is good!

    1. Thank you so much! You are right, there is SO much to be grateful for. I feel very blessed!! Happy Thursday!
