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Monday, January 21, 2013

A Whole New World

What is it about being at home that makes it so hard to focus on studying? When I got home yesterday from studying with my good friend Alia, somehow the following seemed far more urgent than opening up the books again:

1.) Doing my roommate's dishes while listening to Aladdin in the background.  (And by listening, I mean watching intently).

2.) Looking at recipes on pinterest for our "Pinterest Potluck" this Friday. (Anyone have an awesome pinterest find to share?)

Don't worry Centro Medico del Carmen friends, you know I would never use vegetables in a dish for you. 
That would be far too healthy.  This does make me drool though.

3.) Since the recipes made me hungry and drool all over my laptop, of course I had to stare into my fridge longingly and settle for a delicious lean cuisine.

Note: Lean Cuisine meals are not the same as this-

Red Velvet Cheesecake? Heaven on a plate.

4.) My delicious dinner was interrupted by a spot-on performance of "Prince Ali" sung by yours truly at the top of my lungs, followed by an awesome rendition of "A Whole New World." Man, I love that movie! It's a good thing I was home alone.

I could probably write a book on the subject of Procrastination. A perfect example is the words you are reading.  I like to think that writing on my blog is a stress management technique but let's be serious here, my books aren't going to study themselves and I'm just postponing the inevitable.

LOVE those adorable laughing babies.

After procrastinating for long enough, I reluctantly dragged myself upstairs to my study torture chamber as the Disney movie marathon of Cinderella and Lion King continued. My rafiki, Katherine, will agree that Lion King is the best Disney movie of all time and that not watching it was quite an accomplishment.

Katherine, we need to buy this shirt.

I had a few successful hours of studying, but was then distracted by another important task: updating my resume. Eek! Talk about a chore! If anyone wants to write it for me I will pay you with approximately 15 candy bars of your choosing. Any takers?

Resume writing made me think of the question I get from most people these days: "What do you want to do after graduation?" My initial answer is "never work again" but I don't think that's going to pay the bills...

In all reality, I have no idea what area of medicine I what to make a career out of!

- I like family practice a lot, but it is also a very challenging job.  Not trying to be harsh, but every day is like ordering diabetes with a side of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Oh medical humor....
- Surgery- love love LOVE it and could definitely make a living doing it.
- Anyone who knows me, knows that I love babies more than the average person, so naturally I love OB/GYN. However, in Alaska it is more of a NP driven field, so I'm not sure what opportunities will be available.
- Ortho? Hmm... I do love being in the OR....
- I also learned that I love hepatology (liver specialty) after my rotation in liver transplants at Stanford. But I'm not so sure I could find a job in Alaska in such a specialized field.
- ER medicine? Love it as long as nobody is flatlining.

See my problem? I like it all! I suppose it just depends what job openings there are for new grads!

The other interesting question I get from almost everyone is, "Are you moving back to Alaska when you graduate?" Apparently it seems completely reasonable for me to work in San Diego and Jake to work in Alaska and have a successful, healthy marriage.

What do you think, Jake? Do you think it'd work? Ha! Don't worry, I'm coming home the second I get my diploma. I miss you far too much. :)

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud when reading this post! I just pictured you singing Prince Ali! In fact I am still laughing!!! Oh man how I miss you! By the way get a job with my dad in Hepatology!!! And I can't believe you didn't watch the Lion King! I am also procrastinating A LOT. I have all these papers to grade and I grade one, then go and find something else to do, then do another, then decide that I need to try on outfits for work tomorrow...You know the drill. And I am still laughing thinking of you singing!
