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Friday, January 24, 2014

Pregnancy Week 31

  Baby Bump
Sorry this picture is so dark!  It was getting dark out and the flash didn't work!
How far along? 31 Weeks, 6 Days
Size of the baby: A delicious pineapple!

Maternity clothes? Just assume the rest of these 'bumpdates' will answer YES to this question! ;)
Stretch marks? Nope! 
Sleep: Did okay this week!  A few nights of waking up for midnight snacks, but otherwise I slept like a champion.
Symptoms: Rib painnnnn, heartburn, leg cramps at night (when I don't drink enough water)
Best moment this week: Getting baby's crib, dresser, and changing table!  
Miss Anything? Feeling like a rock star runner.  I really do miss my long runs.
Food cravings: I can't get enough of popsicles right now.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Spicy food has not been my friend lately.  It makes me nauseous with a large side of heartburn.
Any aversions? Meat. Not that I really like it anyways, but I have to force myself to eat protein.
Have you started to show yet: Just a wee bit.  
Baby Names? Definitely taking suggestions at this point.
Belly Button in or out? Outie for the win!
Linea Nigra? Yesserie.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Oh man.  Emotional/moody to a whole new level this week.  Not. Good.
Movement: Yes.  I'm starting to notice he has a schedule!  He wakes up when I do in the morning and does his exercise with me... rests after I eat breakfast, is up from around 2-6, takes a nap, then is up from around 7-10.  Luckily he's been sleeping when I do!
Looking forward to: Seeing how big baby is at our next ultrasound appointment!
New mom tips I received this week (which I love getting!):  Don't try to be supermom during the first month of your Baby's life.  He will never be that small again and no amount of dishes, laundry or cooking will ever be more important than savoring every moment with your new baby.  This was a good one for me to hear!
Favorite part of being pregnant so far: LOVE baby kicks.  Although now they're more like bulldozer crashes into my ribs.
Any Braxton Hicks contractions? A few here and there!
Feet Swelling? No!
Have you started to "waddle"? No.  I refuse to turn into a duck.
Any weird dreams? Attack of the killer spider.  Not fun at all!
Over being pregnant? Nope!  Still feeling great!
Nursery done? No... but I ordered the bedding, drapes, and a few accessories!  Now I just have to wait until they arrive!  It is going to be adorable.  
Fears? Losing my freedom.  Selfish moment, sorry!
Still Running? Yes!  Got in 3 miles, 5 miles and 3 miles!  Also had a great week of weights and elliptical.    
Letter to Baby
Hi little bean!

I guess I can't really call you that anymore since you are the size of a pineapple!  Speaking of pineapple... I can't wait to take you to warm places like Hawaii and Mexico where you can see and taste your first pineapple. Your Dad and I have good family friends in a tiny little Mexican town near Puerto Vallarta.  We have been every year for the past 3 years and it is truly our favorite piece of paradise. We go fishing, swimming in the beautiful ocean, snorkeling, take long walks on the beach, explore Mayan ruins, and eat as much delicious Mexican food as possible. Hopefully we can go this year again- I know you will love it as much as we do!

This week your little eyes are now able to respond to light; both dilating and contracting your pupils!  Your ears are also hard at work differentiating sounds and rhythm.  Studies show that some babies actually have a preference of music at this stage!  I haven't been listening to much other than country... so I'm sorry in advance if you're not a fan.  Maybe I should make it my goal from now on to branch out and blast some Metallica (Dad would like that), Justin Timberlake, Pit Bull, Katy Perry, and even Beethoven. The other HUGE news is that your lungs and digestive tract are almost completely developed so if you decided to come early you would likely not need too much assistance!  So amazing.  

So one of life's greatest lessons is that "Honesty is the best policy." Since that's the case, I'm going to be 100% honest with you.  I had a few "freak out" moments this week about becoming a Mom.  Giving birth doesn't scare me one bit, but this week I realized that I will never have the freedom I have today ever again!  As ready as I am to meet you and love on you every second of every day, I also realized I'm scared to put my own desires and wants on the back burner.  Your Momma loves a few things: Running, traveling, and more running.  (Of course there's more things I enjoy, but I really love those things).  I have friends and family that are traveling the world and I guess part of me was jealous that I won't be able to do that for a while.  I talked to your Nonna who told me it won't even matter the second I see your little face for the first time.  All of my previous desires will fade away and my heart will want to spend every waking moment with you.  As soon as she said that, I knew she was right.  I can't wait to be your Momma and love you until the end of time.  And the best part is I get to share my passions and joys of running and traveling with you when you're old enough.  I'm one lucky lady to have the best of both worlds.  

We love you SO much already (in case you haven't noticed!). 

Until next week!

Mom and Dad

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