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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It's a home run!

Typical day at Centro Medico Del Carmen is as follows:

- Day starts at 9AM. We see patients according to "Mexican Time."
I do NOT mean to sound derogatory at all, but it truly is a different clock. And if you were to google the term, the Urban Dictionary would say "About an hour and 23 minutes after the designated time." It is a world of "I'm 10 minutes away" meaning "I'm leaving right after I take a shower, eat some breakfast, and then I'll be about 20 minutes away." There are many patients that are on time, so the day seems to pass very quickly!

- Snack every hour or so.  If not snacking, you can guarantee we are deciding on where we're eating for lunch.  That discussion begins at approximately 9:01AM.

- As the clock nears 12:30, the final decisions are being made regarding lunch.  At Centro Medico del Carmen, it is the most essential and life-changing event of the day.  I work for probably the most AWESOME doctor in the history of doctors, and he is so generous to treat us to lunch.  Every day.  I am the luckiest PA student ever.

- Lunch is consumed family style in the work kitchen.  Jokes are made (mostly about me and my lack of bacon or other animal products on my food.)

- A food-coma-induced siesta occurs for approximately 30 minutes while I work on chart notes that seem to stack up too quickly on my desk.

- Start seeing patients again.  Snacking begins once again.  As does the discussion of where to have lunch tomorrow.

- At roughly 5:01 PM, baseball practice commences in the parking lot.  Wait... what?!

Yes, today we decided to have a friendly game of baseball in the parking lot outside the office.  I'll have you know, I am an awesome hitter (is that what they're called?).  It only took 5 tries and the ball went so far I could barely even see it.  (And by "so far I could barely see it" I mean it went straight up and landed about 15 feet in front of me.  Clearly I need to quit running and go pro.)

If you can't tell, I absolutely LOVE my clinic.  Seeing patients is definitely not a piece of cake (although we do eat a lot of cake & other treats at work) and I am challenged every single day. But I look forward to walking into the clinic and seeing my friends' smiling faces every day.  And come on... who doesn't love baseball?!

I think she came off the ground a little bit!
Dr. Watson.  Is he doing ballet... is he pitching?  No one knows!
Now that's a swing!
Yep.  Clearly a pro.

After one of many strikes.  I mean home runs.
Don't worry, I pulled over to capture this amazing sunset.  Can't imagine a more beautiful drive on my commute!

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