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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

#6- That Tomorrow is November 7th!

November 6: I am grateful that there will be NO more presidential political ads for 4 years.

True Story.
It brings me such happiness that I feel like jumping up and down, doing cartwheels, and shouting for joy at the top of my lungs - maybe even all at the same time. I promise you I won't write a single word about my opinions regarding politics: I know it is one of, if not the most, important elections in history. But I believe we are each entitled to our opinion; that's one of the greatest gifts we have in this country!

I'm sure you were all up last night wondering if I ran yesterday... to end your curiosity, the answer is yes! Three whole miles. I love that a month ago I didn't even consider that a workout. Oh well. I was so grateful to be outside running! It was pretty much pain free, but still a little tight, so I'm taking today off. Soon enough I'll be back in action training for the Boston Marathon!

Some of you may think runners are obsessive and addicted to the miles of joy/torture we put our bodies through. You are, in fact, right.  I wanted to share an article with you that one of my friends e-mailed me called, "Too Fast, Too Soon." (Click on this link to read the article)

The article discusses two young girls who are die-hard distance runners at the ages of 10 and 12.  It is a fascinating view on the world of running from such little people and also provides a controversial perspective on parenting. I think at their age, the most running I did was either at the playground or in gym when they forced us to play cruel games like Dodgeball and Kickball. (I still have PTSD from those games.  How was it fair for the "team captains" aka "popular kids" to pick teammates? If that doesn't kill self-confidence at a young age, getting hit with a ball in the head and laughed at will!) The last thing I wanted to do was run a mile, let alone run half marathons, marathons, and endurance trail runs.

It is definitely fascinating to read about their incredible talent and speed.  They'd kick my butt. However, it is not something I would encourage my children to do in the future.  There is far too much growing that needs to be done and that stress cannot be good for their bone formation. Athletics is a huge part of growing childhood; it teaches them teamwork, healthy lifestyle, determination, disappointment and develops long lasting friendships.  There is a time and place for marathons and distance training, I just don't think it needs to begin at age 10. Maybe I'm wrong though- who am I to judge on their parenting skills.  The girls just want to run. Can you blame them?! :)


Tomorrow the world will wake to our leader for the next 4 years. May God grant whoever wins this election the knowledge, courage, and focus to help our country in this difficult time!  
Sweet dreams, my friends!

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