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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 5 of being grateful: That place I go to sweat

Today I am grateful for:

The Gym

Not being able to run has been quite a challenge for me mentally. Not only is it my passion and an innate part of who I am, but pregnancy is a time when your body is not your own- a tiny little baby owns your every function! It is the most beautiful and miraculous thing I have ever been through and I am beyond loving it!  Feeling the kicks (that are now like hard jabs!) and seeing my stomach move is so surreal! 

However, I will be completely honest with you.  It is still hard to see the scale creep higher and higher! Actually that's a lie because I don't ever look at the scale. I step on the scale backwards at the doctors because I don't want my pregnancy to be about that number. I want it to be about how I feel and about making sure baby is healthy. He's growing on track and that's what is important! If I'm hungry, I eat. If I crave ice cream, I eat it - in moderation.  And if I crave pickles, I usually eat 5. :) Someone asked me the other day how many pounds I've gained. I laughed. That's not what growing a life is about and I hope no pregnant woman out there believes it is! There is so much pressure to keep the weight gain low but what is most important is to provide a good foundation for little bambino!  (That doesn't mean I don't have to remind myself that the body is resilient and bounces right back after being pregnant!) :)

So that is why today I am grateful for the gym. The elliptical, bike, pool, and weights help me feel strong and also help me know I'm keeping baby healthy!

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