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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Last 2 Days in San Francisco

In the last week, I've realized San Francisco is way more fun when you are not a broke grad student. After the race on Sunday I took it pretty easy by ordering delivery and watching cheesy movies all night. Best way to relax ever.

Monday I said goodbye to the city, and moved south to my favorite parts of the Bay Area: San Carlos, Redwood City, and Palo Alto. I spent the entire day with my all time favorite family, The Griffins. They were the amazing family that housed me during PA school and put up with my moments of frustration, exhaustion, and stress. In other words, they're saints. We talked all day and made dinner together- just like old times. It was so hard to say goodbye but I know I'll be back to visit soon- and with baby next time! 

Yesterday was a day of shopping. There is a new outlet mall in Livermore, CA which was about an hour drive from my hotel.  Well, if you follow the map app on your phone... it's more like an hour and 15.  This is where my phone took me when I typed in the address:

And no, I didn't make a typo (apparently the mall and address are so new it wasn't listed on the app yet).  It made me realize I rely WAY too much on my silly iPhone!  After a moment of frustration, I was redirected to the real outlet mall, not the farmlands in the middle of California.

That's more like it.

I have a confession: I am officially obsessed with baby shopping.  I've restrained myself until now, but when you see an adorable pair of oshkosh overalls for $5.99... it's pretty hard to turn that down (among other things...!). Between that and Carters... I was in baby heaven. Unfortunately we don't really have any good baby stores in Alaska besides Gymboree which is absurdly expensive, so it was fun to get some adorable baby clothes.  Speaking of expensive, they had a Jack and Janie store which is a store made for the most fashionable babies in the world.  I really really had a tough time turning down this $200 outfit for baby.

I mean suspenders and a bow tie? And that hat? If anyone wants to buy that for me, I will love you forever. ;)

My favorite purchase of the day however, was not for baby.  It was for Diego.  He's going to be the scariest Shark-Dog ever. Duh-nah... dun-nah... dun-nah, dun-nah, dun-nah (insert Jaws theme here).

After walking around the outlet mall and getting my shopping fix, I met up with one of my classmates for coffee.  It's been so fun hearing how everyone is adjusting to being a real live, PA-C!  They are working in all sorts of specialties: cardiothoracic surgery, ER, inpatient medicine, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, and family practice.  I got momentarily jealous when I heard how much fun it is to be in the OR every day... but then they told me their schedule and I realized why I love my job!  And I love the longevity of family practice... you really get to know your patients!

Dinner followed coffee with three of my favorite girls.  I was so involved in talking I forgot to take a picture of my delicious tacos.  Sorry, I know you're bummed to miss out on my high quality Iphone pictures of my meals. :)

Next stop, Alaska to be with my boys.  I sure do miss these two.

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