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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pregnancy Week 17

Baby Bump

How far along? 17 Weeks, 6 Days

Size of the baby: An Onion!

For those who cannot relate to fruit:

Maternity clothes? While I was in Utah this week, I bought a few new shirts that allow the belly to stretch out!  Luckily fashion right now has a lot of things that will work for maternity so I didn't have to spend a fortune!
Stretch marks? No! 
Sleep: Insomnia stinks.  I had a lot of trouble sleeping this week; maybe one good night's sleep.  Hopefully being back in my own bed will solve the problem! 
Symptoms: Much, much better this week!! The only annoying things were heartburn and a little hip pain but really nothing to be too upset about.  
Best moment this week: Seeing my family and having them see the baby bump!  
Miss Anything? This week I missed my hubby (he's in Alaska)... but didn't miss anything else because of being pregnant!
Food cravings: Salty foods
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender prediction: Still not sure... on my trip I got some opinions: Amber says it's a boy and Janae thinks it's a girl! I'm really not sure at this point!  
Belly Button in or out? Innie!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, happy, happy!
Looking forward to:  Seeing baby daddy when I get back to Alaska!
New mom tips I received this week (which I love getting!): Chico carseats are the best for convenience and safety! Also I was told Swaddle Designs makes the best swaddling blankets.
Favorite part of being pregnant so far: Seeing baby on ultrasound for the first time!
Still Running? Running went pretty well this week!  I had a couple days of hip pain, so I walked and did the elliptical, but I attribute it to my body stretching and making room for baby and not anything running related.  I still stretched and did core work though (planks, side planks, oblique work).   Workouts: 7 miles, 7 miles, 7 miles, walked 5 miles + 3 mile hike & elliptical, & 8 miles!).  Feeling great :)

Letter to Baby
Dear Baby,

You are now the size of an onion! When did that happen?! I feel like you really popped out this week.  I'm almost past the awkward "Is she pregnant or just overeating froyo" (or in my case... both!) which will be nice.  You're getting stronger each day: you're forming teeny tiny bones from the cartilage that used to be there & you're getting some meat on those little bones too!  

You got to meet a lot of my favorite people this week, but of course you know that! Auntie Amber loves talking to you and patting my belly. Nonna and Grandpa love hearing all about your growth and trying to feel for kicks! Your great-Grandma, cousins, and Great-Aunt & Uncle were more excited than I've ever seen!  They couldn't stop asking about you. They gave you your first gifts this week- two adorable sleepers, a ridiculously soft blanket to wrap around your soft skin, and a few swaddling blankets to keep you cozy and warm.  You are the luckiest little baby- everyone is already so excited to meet you!  Expect lots of hugs and kisses when you make your appearance.  

I've been able to keep running for the past 17 weeks, so I'm hoping I'll be able to continue for 23 more!  The doctor who is going to deliver you is very supportive and thinks it is good for the both of us! If you haven't caught on yet, little baby, I'm slightly hooked on running.  Before your Dad and I met, he never used to be a runner.  But as he says, "If I didn't learn to run with Brittany, I'd never get to see her."  He's now a great running buddy and although he isn't quite as passionate obsessed as I am, he is my biggest fan and cheerleader.  I hope you can share that with us some day- it's the most wonderful blessing to be able to run for miles and miles. Don't worry though, we'll start first with holding up that head of yours, then sitting up, then crawling, and walking... but I'm sure in no time at all you'll be running all over!

I'm headed back to cold and rainy Alaska today, but I'm excited to see your Dad and big brother, Diego. They've been busy working on the new house, so it will be fun to see the changes!  Your next ultrasound is in just two weeks... and we'll finally find out if you're a he or a she!  Keep doing that thing you do! xoxo

Love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. You look truly gorgeous :) Found your blog recently, it made my day
